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We found 23 results matching your criteria.
Wood burning inserts fit into an existing masonry fireplace, or in some cases they can be installed into a zero clearance wood burning fireplace.  Are you looking for a wood burning insert? We carry name brands like Napoleon, Osburn, Buck, Vermont Castings, Drolet, Century, Ventis, and Supreme.  Need help choosing between brands or models? Give us a call at (800) 968-8604 and one of our knowledgeable sales representatives will be happy to assist you with your needs. We also sell chimney liner kits and custom chimney parts for your installation.
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1700 Osburn Wood Insert Buck Model 21Non-Catalytic Wood Burning Stove or Insert Buck Model 74 Non-Catalytic Wood Burning Stove or Insert
1700 Osburn Wood Insert
Price: $2,519.00
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Buck Model 81 Non Catalytic Wood Burning Stove or Insert Buck Model 91 Catalytic Wood Stove or Insert Drolet Escape 1500-I Wood Insert
Drolet Escape 1800-I Wood Insert Englander Blue Ridge 150-I Wood Insert Englander Blue Ridge 300-I Wood Insert
Englander Blue Ridge 500-I Wood Insert 2000 Osburn Wood Insert Osburn 3500 Wood Insert
Osburn 2000 Wood Insert
Price: $2,829.00
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Osburn 3500 Wood Insert
Price: $3,479.00
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2000 Inspire Osburn Wood burning insert Osburn Matrix 1900 Wood Insert Osburn Matrix 2700 Wood Insert
Osburn Matrix Wood Insert Supreme Fusion 18 EPA Wood Burning Fireplace Insert Supreme Fusion24 EPA Wood Burning Fireplace Insert
Supreme Lumis 32 Wood Burning Fireplace Insert Ventis HEI170 Wood Fireplace Insert Ventis HEI240 Woodburning Fireplace Insert
Ventis HEI350 Woodburning Fireplace Insert Ventis HEI90 Wood Fireplace Insert